Women’s Ministry

Women’s Association

The Dukinfield Circle of the M.W.A. or Moravian Women’s Association is a thriving gathering of sisters of all ages.  We meet in the early afternoon of  Wednesday once a month and listen to reading of the Devotional Notes, the Home and Overseas Notes and the President’s Letter that is provided nationally.  These readings are accompanied by hymns and prayers and we end with the M.W.A. verse (below) and the Mizpah.  Each year, the Devotional Notes are written on a particular theme and this year the theme is “Wonder Women—Then and Now”

M.W.A. Verse
May the grace of Christ our Saviour
And the Father’s boundless love
With the Holy Spirit’s favour
Rest upon us from above
Thus may we abide in union
With each other and the Lord
And possess in sweet communion
Joys which earth cannot afford.

As a national organisation, we hold Annual Away Days at other Moravian Churches and we have great times at our Annual Retreats.  This year (2020) our retreat would have been held in Drumalis, Northern Ireland but because of the Coronavirus, all gatherings have been cancelled. We hope to meet up in the not too distant future when we can be assured of a time of sisterly fun and love.

Each year, we donate money to various charities which are decided upon by the Central Committee.

The Mizpah
The Lord watch over me and thee when we are
absent from each other. Amen

Thursday Club

A group for the women.  It may be obvious— we meet on the last Thursday of every month and have meals out, trips to local places of interest, fund raising activities, but most of all, we have a jolly good laugh and time of fellowship.

This group is open for anyone (except men, I’m afraid – see above), so if you feel you would like to come along sometime, please contact us