Food Hamper Projects 2024
We thought it was about time we let you know just what has been happening with the Food Hamper Outreach Project during the past year.
For anyone who is unsure how this Project operates: Unlike food banks, individuals cannot access goods directly but must go through local Social Services and local Child Support teams. We consider this is the fairest way to ensure that the people who need the help most, receive it. We started 13 Christmases ago with donations to 12 families considered to be in need. This year, the number of families helped was 60. This cannot be achieved without YOUR help, so thank you one and all for everything you do.
Needless to say, all families receiving our help, do so anonymously. We have no idea where our gifts are going – and rightly so!
We have continued to provide food, toiletries, hygiene and cleaning products, as well as passing on donated bedding, towels and clothes that will be useful to the families we support.
In March, we collected 200 Easter Eggs plus other Easter gifts and these were delivered via Social Services, to children in the area.
Our Spring Appeal brought in a large selection of pre-loved clothes for all the family that would be suitable for the summer months.
Pictured are the 50 bags containing food for children who would not be able to depend on school dinners for nourishment during the summer holiday. This initiative came about from two couples who are members of the church and who were celebrating their Golden Weddings (50 years). They had no need for gifts and so decided to ask for money to provide this giving. Over £1,000 was raised.
As a way of saying a special ‘thank you’ to all our supporters and workers, a successful afternoon tea was held, when we heard from the leaders of various Social Services groups who are on the receiving end of our giving. They told us stories, some funny, some touching of the families who receive from us.
Our third annual Coat Appeal began in September. As well as winter coats, we were happy to accept jumpers, hats, gloves, scarves – in fact anything to keep the cold weather out. We stopped counting after 350 coats were received. Donations still kept on arriving but we really don’t need any more until next Winter! Thank you.
During the Harvest season, we received gifts from our Moravian Harvest plus local schools – Cromwell, All Saints, Yew Tree, Ravensfield. Local churches also gave.
Until August, grant funding was slow in arriving but things began to improve. We were so happy to receive a cheque for £2,000 from Asda.
(Apologies for the quality of this photo!)
In November, we gave out lots of chocolate Advent Calendars.
The photographs above show some of the 460 brand new toys and gifts donated locally. These were collected by local Social Services workers for delivery in time for Father Christmas to deliver them to needy families.
A wonderful initiative was thought up by our Scout Group 5th/7th Dukinfield. It was entitled THE TWELVE WEEKS OF CHRISTMAS. Each child was asked to donate one item of food from a list of 12 each week for twelve weeks. Not only were items received from our lads, but from the Dementia Warriors Group, the Mums and Tots and our congregation.
Over 650 items of food were delivered and displayed as this picture shows. With grateful thanks to everyone. All these items will be used to help local families during the next few months.
Finally, 60 hampers were organised just before Christmas.
Needless to say, the Food Hamper Team, work 52 weeks a year to provide support to local families. Christine, Nigel, Margaret, Keith and Bob want to thank everyone who has supported us during 2024. The work carries on.