Church News – November 2024
It’s almost November and time for another Newsletter. What to write about this month, I wonder and then I remember all the events that are due to happen at Church this month—do we never stop?
We will be pleased to welcome Br Peter back to us as he takes our Holy Communion service, and then Sr Glenys will be leading our Remembrance Day Service on 10th at 10.50 a.m. (Please note difference in start – this is to allow for our two minute’s silence). On Sunday, 17th, Sr Susan Flint will take part of the service with the remainder being led by Sr Anita as she presents the next round of Project 32 News. Then it’s the end of the month again, and Sr Kerry will be leading our Tin and Toy Service. This will be her first service, so we wish her well and hope that she has plenty of support from us all.
Please don’t forget that Besses Band are visiting us again on 6th December. Please ask Sr Susan Flint for your tickets for this not-to-be-missed annual event.
With God’s blessings,
Sue Selby
CHRISTMAS FAYRE Saturday, 16th November 2024 at 2 p.m. We have our usual stalls plus one or two new ones, but please remember that without your input, we would have nothing to sell, so we would be glad to receive your bottles for the Bottle Tombola, your good as new gifts for the Scout Tombola and the Bric-a-Brac stall and your home made cakes etc. for the Cake Stall. Many thanks. |

One of our guest preachers, Sr Lesley, read out the following poem during her service and it is too good not to share. So here it is, for you to keep.


John Lennon wrote: ‘Imagine there’s no countries, It isn’t hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, And no religion too. Imagine all the people living life in peace.’ But on Remembrance Sunday, we should reflect on war past and present, and consider the real way to peace.
THE WAY OF WAR: ‘What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? You desire but do not have, so you kill.’ (James 4:1-2). James reminds us that war has its basis in our own hearts, with the selfish desires that exploit, bully and kill others to get our own way. Sadly, when nations allow these inner selfish attitudes to determine their policy the result is war. Only God can establish true peace.
THE WAY OF PEACE: Isaiah, 2,700 years before John Lennon, also imagined a future of peace without any war: ‘They will beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.’ (Isaiah 2:4).
Only Jesus, the Prince of Peace, can bring true peace to our lives and world. Jesus did not experience the horror of battle, but He did die an horrific death at the hand of the Romans. He gave His life sacrificially, as He took God’s anger at our sin on Himself and went on to conquer death in His resurrection. He did this out of love for us, and calls us to love others in the same way: ‘Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.’ (John 15:13).
How can we demonstrate such love ourselves? We can be confident in God’s plan to bring an end to all wars when Jesus returns.
Words to Remember (Jn16:33)
“We will remember them”
The years of remembering go by, accumulating name after name
As wars and conflicts continue in a world, deaf to the lessons of history.
But through the negativity of November a different remembering brings hope and meaning.
Words of the world’s Creator, words to make sense of chaos and bring order and peace in the end.
“In this world you will have trouble, But take heart!
I have overcome the world.”
Words of Jesus.
We will remember them.
By Daphne Kitching

Prayer for November 2024
Dear Lord,
November can be a dreary month. Even the first syllable is negative and reminds us of all the things we are missing; the long light days, summer breaks, blossom and fresh green leaves.
As we walk through the dark days, help us to remember that You brought light into this dark world. You sent Jesus, who is that light in person, Your positive who overcame all negatives by His death on the cross.
November leads us closer to the time of celebration of His coming. Lord, thank you for Jesus. Thank you for November! In Jesus’ name. Amen. By Daphne Kitching