Church News – June 2024

Thoughts for the month of June

A friend rang last night and explained she had never met a minister so enthusiastic and passionate about their job as I am, other ministers complained about the job or were sometimes unhappy about the role they have, she said talking to me made her wish she was a minister.

I am very passionate about my job I love serving others, at times it is trying and difficult and situations can frustrate me and I have to dig deep to be patient but I try to be forgiving. I understand I am an acquired taste and that for some of you having Patsy the Mad Moravian Minister at Dukinfield serving you can’t be easy. I have spent a lot of my life try to play a role and unsuccessfully trying to fit in, I have learned over the years, all I can be is myself.

As I said in my welcome service sometimes I am Pooh Bear, other time Tigger, hopefully not too often Eeyore, as a minister I am more often mummy Kanga.  Sadly I am very rarely the Wise Owl but I try to share pearls of wisdom when they come to me.

God has always been a powerful force in my life and has carried me unscathed through some very difficult and trying situations. I am here serving you now as God called me. I loved being an art teacher and I do miss helping and supporting difficult teenagers through crises, especially those with special needs. I know there are enough art teachers in the world but not enough ministers.

Romans 8 verse 28 explains my sentiments extremely well it says, “We know that in all things God works for good with those who love Him, those whom He has called according to His purposes. Whether I like it or not God has called me, one of the most unlikely candidates for ministry. In verse 31 of the same chapter it puts it beautifully “In view of all this, what can we say? If God is for us, who can be against us? 

God bless Patsy

Happy Father’s Day to all Dads


Please try to be present at the Sunday service on 2nd June when Sr Irene Ball will be welcomed into membership.

The Summer Fayre is fast approaching and we are hoping for decent weather then we can use our garden for this event.   If anyone wishes to run a stall, would they please let Sr Sue know then provision can be made for a space.  We will be welcoming a Ukelele band this year and would ask that you put the date in your diaries—13th July, and come along to either help or spend your money—both options are very acceptable.


There can’t be many people in Dukinfield and the wider area who have not heard of The Yew Tree Singers, the choir which was started by Jean Depledge over 50 years ago.   It is sad to announce that this Choir will cease to exist due to Jean’s age and nobody being willing or able to take over the lead.   She has proved to be an impossible act to follow.   There will be a final concert to be held at The Jubilee Hall on Friday 14th June at 7.30 p.m.  I understand that admission is free but donations are gratefully accepted, as usual.  Please attend this special Swan Song on what will be a very sad occasion.


After last year’s successful event, Br Nigel has agreed to torture us again with a Quiz and this will be held on Friday, 28th June at 7 p.m.  Admission is £6 per person which includes refreshments.

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Like or Follow: what every teenager needs to decide about Jesus

By Dave Boden, 10Publishing, £4.99

Whatever your first impression of the most famous person in history, many young people claim He is still relevant to their lives today.

This simple introduction to Jesus for the curious will help you to explore why so many people build their lives around His teaching. You’ll be introduced to the facts and evidence about Jesus and discover how he can reframe your world with hope and purpose.

With easy-to-understand language, relevant stories and illustrations, and discussion questions & a QR video after each chapter, this book is a great read for teens who may think they’ve heard it all before, as well as teens who haven’t heard any of it before.

Prayer for June 2024

Dear Lord,  Here we are in June. Halfway through this year already! How the years fly by and often we are so busy, so taken up with everyday concerns that we forget to take time to be still; to consciously be in your presence; to be aware of the wonders of your world.

June is such a beautiful month, so we take this moment, Lord – and we thank you for your goodness to us and your provision for us.

Especially we thank you for the gift of Jesus who is the only way to you, who is your truth and who offers us eternal life, if we will turn away from our self-centredness and put our trust in Him. 

For June and for Jesus, Lord, we praise you and we glorify you. And we move into the rest of the year in hope and trust.  In Jesus name,  Amen.                         

By Daphne Kitching

Using Rest to Pray

Most of us think of prayer as a very demanding activity, but did you know it can be extremely restful?

One of the great verses in the Bible says this: ‘Be still and know that I am God’ (Psalm 46:10). It suggests we experience God most fully when we are still. When we cease rushing around, pausing for a moment of thought and recollection, we are becoming prayerful, and God is very near. Even a break for a morning coffee can be a moment of prayer, if we slow ourselves down and allow our thoughts to turn towards God.

An essential part of resting is to breathe slowly. Christian tradition has always made a connection between prayer and breathing. You can learn to pray to the rhythm of your breathing, using chosen prayer words to focus. As you breathe in, you might say ‘Abba’, and then as you breathe out, add the word ‘Father’. Choose words which are meaningful to you, deliberately slowing your breathing so you become relaxed and peaceful.

Perhaps you have a favourite chair where you are able to unwind easily. For a few moments sit and do nothing. Simply become aware of the present moment, reminding yourself you are in the presence of God. As you feel yourself relax, bask in the knowledge of God’s love and acceptance of you. Sense His smile of approval upon you. You don’t have to do anything, just ‘be’ for a moment. This too is prayer.

Sometimes we are forced to rest by circumstances… illness, disability, growing older and so on slow us down and we can’t rush around like we used to do. Never mind. Don’t fight against your circumstances. Enter into the place of rest that God is giving you. He loves you for who you are, not for what you do. Turn your thoughts into prayer and offer them to God. You don’t need to advise God as to what He should do; simply hold people before Him, leaving the outcome to Him.

Prayer should be a natural expression of our relationship with God. Sometimes we have words, sometimes silence is enough. We don’t need to impress God with our fervour. We can relax and be rested, even as we pray.