Church News – April 2024
Thoughts from Sr Patsy

Have you ever wondered why ‘spring’ is so called? Apparently, in the 1300’s the term Lent was replaced by ‘springing time’ since it was the time of year when most plants which had remained dormant over the autumn and winter began to grow again, or spring from the earth. Certainly, spring is the season when flowers grow and trees blossom, because in order to do so they all need water, light and warmth. Spring is a happy season too, because as it gradually stays lighter longer, our spirits slowly come back to life!
Research says that the hormone serotonin, also known as the happiness hormone, is activated by sunlight. Exposure to sunlight increases the serotonin in our brains and thus makes us feel happy. After hibernating indoors, it feels like a whole new world when we step outside and the warmth hits our skin! So now you know why you are hopefully, right now, feeling invigorated and uplifted. Easter and Lent are now behind us and we make plans for the summer. What a lovely experience it is during spring to see the flowers pop up and the blossom on the trees come out, before our very eyes. Trees are often mentioned in the Bible, famously Jesus compares himself to the Vine and we being the branches, illustrating to his hearers that they cannot be Christian on their own, we need to be connected in fellowship to each other. We need to be connected to and stimulated by others who share the faith and who have their roots planted in the same ground. Trees are lovely to look at, especially when they explode in blossom. However, when we dig deeper, we learn the wealth of meaning rooted in these precious gifts, so as you go for a walk notice God all around you in the wonder of His world He created.
God bless Patsy

Please note the two special services this month. On Sunday, 7th, at 2.30 p.m. congregations from the other churches in Dukinfield will be coming along to join in the annual Dukinfield Songs of Praise service. We hope that as many of ‘our’ people will come along to take part in what is usually a very enjoyable service. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the Schoolroom.
Then, on Sunday, 21st, our service will be in the style of Lovefeast and we are happy to welcome Srs Hannah Coope and Barbara Skiba from our Royton church, who will be talking to us about Herrnhut, where the Moravian Church has its origins. I’m sure this will be a very informative and enjoyable occasion, and one not to be missed.
It’s amazing what treasure can be unearthed with metal detectors! In this season of Easter, let’s rediscover the greatest unburied treasure of the Resurrection.
The Apostle Peter reminds us that God ‘has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade.’ (1 Peter 1: 3,4). What does he say about this treasure?
On the one hand, it is the reason for hope. Peter was writing to Christians in Asia Minor (modern day Turkey) who faced persecution under the Emperor Nero. In an uncertain world we know that Jesus suffered, but by His resurrection has secured eternal life for us. This inheritance not only guarantees life now, but also for eternity, as it ‘is kept in heaven for you’ (4). Do we share this confidence? D.L. Moody, the 19th Century American evangelist, spoke of the time when people would read his obituary: ‘Don’t believe a word of it! At that moment I shall be more alive than I am now’.
On the other hand, this treasure is a source of joy. This unburied treasure fills us ‘with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.’ (8,9). We face all kinds of trials in our lives, but God uses them to refine our faith and character, ‘These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith – of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire – may result in praise, glory and honour when Jesus Christ is revealed.’ (7).
We reflect this treasure by developing the Jesus’ character and becoming more holy, obedient and loving.
‘Christmas is the promise, and Easter is the proof’!

Prayer for April 2024 (based on John 20: 19-end)
Almighty Father,
In these weeks after Easter, help us to receive afresh the new life Jesus’ resurrection makes possible.
Lord, come to us. Walk through the locked doors of our fears.
Bring us your peace. Fill us with your Holy Spirit.
Send us onto our daily front lines to share your resurrection, peace, hope and love with those who are lost and lonely.
Thank you for meeting us in Jesus, our Lord and our God.
We are your Easter people. Hallelujah. Amen. By Daphne Kitching

Answers to the March Easter Quiz
1. All the chief priests and elders
2. Judas
3. 30 pieces of silver
4. Bound Him and handed Him to Pilate the governor.
5. Threw the money into the temple and hanged himself.
6. Are you the King of the Jews?
7. Barabbas
8. To proclaim that he was innocent of Jesus’ blood
9. Simon of Cyrene
10. This is Jesus, the King of the Jews
11. From noon until three
12. My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?