Church News – January 2024
May I wish you all a blessed New Year, as we step into 2024 we do not know what is ahead of us, thankfully we step out in faith with God at our side, ready and willing to show our love and faith that we have in him. As one year comes to a close and another year approaches and before we begin to make all of our plans and set all of our goals for the upcoming year, we ought to take some time to settle with the year we are currently in and tie up whatever loose ends we have. We should desire to go into the New Year with confidence, grace, and healed hearts.
One of the most difficult things about changing seasons is leaving the past behind us and moving forward to what lies ahead as it says in Philippians 3:13. This can be hard to do, especially if we’ve had a hard year and are struggling to feel positive about what might be next. And yet, even when things have been so sweet, we can be uncertain of the coming season – will it threaten the peace and happiness we’ve come to enjoy? Looking to the future means looking to the unknown.
Either way, we have learned that through Christ, all things are possible. That means that no matter what the past year held for us, Christ is able to walk alongside us to help us to move forward in our life. This doesn’t mean that we should push our feelings and thoughts aside in an attempt to hurry and get over them for the sake of a New Year. Rather, we have to be willing to let go of control and allow Christ to reign and rule over our lives, so what we do are His plans rather than ours, and trust him to help us in whatever way we need while we move forward. As a congregation we move forward together with love in our hearts and we ask God to bless and support the plans we have made for this coming year.
God bless,

Other News
Also, please make a note of our new Bible Study sessions that will start on Tuesday, 9th January and will be held every other Tuesday evening. We hope that as many people as possible will join in the Zoom link, which will also be circulated to both Royton and Fairfield churches.
Please also note that the Scout Group will be taking the Parade Service on the last Sunday of the month—28th. We look forward to it!
And now, the answers to the CHRISTMAS QUIZ. How many did you get right? 1. Where did Mary and Joseph live before Jesus was born? – NAZARETH 2. What was the name of the angel who told Mary she would have a child? GABRIEL 3. What did Joseph do for a living? HE WAS A CARPENTER 4. Who was the Roman ruler when Jesus was born? CAESAR AUGUSTUS 5. Why did Mary and Joseph go to Bethlehem? TO REGISTER FOR THE CENSUS 6. How did Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem? WE ARE NOT TOLD IN THE BIBLE 7. Why couldn’t Mary and Joseph find a place to stay? THERE WAS NO ROOM AT THE INN 8. Where does the Bible say Jesus was born? IN A MANGER 9. According to the Bible, which animals were specifically mentioned as being present in the stable NONE 10. What does the angel say to the shepherds when they tell them to go to Bethlehem? GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST, AND IN EARTH PEACE, GOOD WILL TO ALL PEOPLE. 11. The wise men travelled which way to Jerusalem. WESTWARD 12. What did the Wise Men follow to find Jesus? A STAR 13. How many Wise Men visited baby Jesus? THE BIBLE DOESN’T SAY 14. What gifts did the wise men bring for Jesus? GOLD, FRANKINSCENCE AND MYRRH 15. Who spread the news about baby Jesus throughout Bethlehem? THE SHEPHERDS 16. What is the City of David also known as in the bible? BETHLEHEM 17. Which of the gospels tell the story of the Nativity? MATTHEW AND LUKE 18. What does Jesus’ other name, “Immanuel”, mean? GOD WITH US 19. How many days after the birth of Christ did Joseph and Mary give him the name Jesus? 8, ACCORDING TO THE LAW 20. Jesus was born on the 25th of December. FALSE, WE DON’T KNOW THE DATE. |

We thought you would like to see what the Food Hamper Group have been up to in recent weeks. Firstly, they provided over 400 toys for local children and then just before Christmas we sent out all the food hampers you can see in this photograph. These also were donated to needy families in Dukinfield. Needless to say, many people had a hand in this giving and to all of you that helped – a huge thank you from us all. We couldn’t do it without you.
The Dementia Warriors Group ended the year, as previously with a Christingle Service when the Yew Tree Singers were invited to sing for us and then we partook in a wonderful Christmas meal at the Queens Arms in Guide Bridge.
O God of steadfast love, trusting you, we devote our hearts to learning and our lives to walking.
Teach us truth, that we may walk with courage.
Teach us mercy, that we may walk with humility.
Teach us forgiveness, that we may walk with compassion.
Teach us grace, that we may walk with strength.
Teach us wonder, that we may walk with praise.
Teach us goodness, that we may walk with those in need.
O God of steadfast love, learning from you, may we walk well. Amen.
Sr Patsy Holdsworth