Church News – October 2023
I have had a great two months of serving the members and friends at Dukinfield, thank you all for your patience support and understanding, as I struggle with names.
Autumn is now here and we will be marking Remembrance day, we pray for peace around the world especially between Ukraine and Russia. Some food for thought in his novel The Spire William Golding takes us back into the lives and tensions of people involved in building a medieval cathedral spire. One day the Dean who is the inspiration and force behind the work climbs up with the workmen and looks out over the countryside from the great height already reached. He sees people far away and far below, moving over the crest of a slope and walking straight down the slope towards the city. They ignore the old meandering paths and move straight towards the cathedral a new landmark. In a moment of vision he sees how feet will cut new tracks into the countryside drawn by the cathedral.
He understood how the tower was laying a hand on the landscape, altering it, dominating it, enforcing a pattern that reached wherever the tower could be seen, by sheer force of it being there. The Dean had dreamed and planned the spire, but he hadn’t understood how the effect would reach out, changing a whole pattern of life.
In Jesus, God planted a landmark which re-orientates the whole of life, much more fundamentally than the cathedral spire. From the meandering tracks and the uncertainty of the next corner, a straight path, its ending clear, leads not to a stone tower but to a living kingdom of Love. And it is replanted in individuals, affecting them in different ways, changing the pattern of life and relationships.
Lord I look to you for orientation, without you landscape is confusing and my sense of direction is week. So more often than not I move in circles, ending where I began and with less energy. Lord, I base my life on the compass point of your love, lead me to it whatever road I take and help me point others to it in all I do and say.
God bless, Patsy

The month of October, as usual, brings the Congregation Council Meeting, after the morning service on 15th of the month. This is your opportunity to have any ideas and opinions you may have brought to the general congregation. It is a time also to find out how the past year has progressed and what is planned for the new year. If you are a member of the church, it is your right and duty to be present at this Meeting and to vote on its deliberations. We hope that this meeting will be well-attended.
We are grateful for a donation received from

to help with the funding for the resurfacing of our church car park and pathways.
Bible Sunday – 29th October
At the recent Coronation, the King was given a Bible with the words ‘the most valuable thing that this world affords’. As Bible Sunday is celebrated this month, let’s ask why we should read the Bible?
The Bible isn’t a single book, but a library of 66 books, composed by some 44 writers over 1500 years in a range of styles including history, poetry, prophecy, letters and apocalyptic (looking at the end times). Despite having a number of different writers, it claims one authority – God Himself! ‘All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work’ (2 Timothy 3:16). The Bible is inspired (‘the word of God in the words of men’) and equips us to live for God in every aspect of our lives. We also have the promise of the Holy Spirit to guide us when we read: ‘when the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth’ (John 16:13).
How should we read the Bible? Let’s consider the following guidelines:
Right time: We need a regular routine, which will meet our needs. This will vary according to our circumstances: e.g., a mum at home with young children, somebody with a demanding job or a retired person.
Right Place: We need to find a space where we can be undisturbed (e.g. lounge, bedroom, train or kitchen).
Right Version: We need a version of the Bible which we can readily understand and use. A number of versions are available (e.g. NIV, The Message), as well as Bible apps we can access on our phone.
Right Help: Reading notes also help us to understand a passage and apply it to our lives.
Let’s get reading!!

The Dukinfield Moravian Church Outreach Project
Are launching their 2023 Coat Appeal.
Donations of unwanted, clean coats, fleeces, thick jumpers/cardigans—
In fact, any winter woollies that you have that are being unused
Are now being collected by the Food Hamper Project Team.
All sizes are welcome from new-born to adults and both male and female.
These will be passed on to local families in need during the Autumn
By Social Services.
As always, donations of tinned foods, biscuits, cereals, cordials, toiletries and children’s clothes would be gratefully received.
Thank you!