Church News – April 2023

From the Sanctuary

Some years ago, I was enjoying a walk by the River Dove in Derbyshire, when I came across a tree that had fallen. By all expectations, it should have died. Yet it was resilient enough to grow again when everything was stacked against it. Something inside of it was enabling it to have a second chance, so much so, that it was growing from two places on the fallen trunk, and will eventually become two trees!

In my counselling work, I have met many people like that tree. Tragedy or trauma has affected their life. Their familiar world has fallen through, and they have been plummeted into the freefall of uncertainty and vulnerability. Yet, after a period of counselling and support, something inside of them has been reawakened (the Divine spark, perhaps), and has enabled them to find the resources to embrace life again – sometimes enabling them to live a ‘richer’ life; not necessarily in a more material way, but in a way that encompasses better values or a sense of greater purpose than before. Tragedy can often show us what is important in life.

I see these experiences as ‘crucifixion’ and ‘resurrection’ – when from death, new life comes. Often (but sadly, not always) the quality of life that emerges from the death of the old familiar life, is better. It’s as if the rubble of the old life is used to build a new set of foundations for the new life. It is inspiring to witness, and offers hope to others who are in the freefall, and hope to those of us who accompany those in life’s freefall. I often find that witnessing it when it happens strengthens my faith, and I can see the importance of the resurrection event to our Christian faith. People often think that resurrection is a sign of hope for the life hereafter; but to me, resurrection offers hope for life now.

I wish you a very Happy Easter and every blessing,


Another busy month lies ahead—well at least the first two weeks of it.  Next Sunday, Palm Sunday marks the beginning of the Easter season and we will be holding our usual Passion Week and Easter readings each night.  However, this year, we are trying something different in an attempt to meet everyone’s needs.  We will be setting up our Zoom invitations but we will also be holding the readings in church on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  As usual, the services for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday will be held in church.  Please see the calendar for full details. 

Don’t forget to order your Easter Sunday breakfast—the list is on the notice board in church.

Holy Habits

On a monthly basis, we will be advised of this new intiative that the Moravian Church has adopted. Here is the introduction.

Outline of the monthly Holy Habits information

Palm Sunday

Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday, when the Church remembers how Jesus arrived at the gates of Jerusalem just a few days before the Passover was due to be held. He was the Messiah come to His own people in their capital city, and yet He came in humility, riding on a young donkey, not in triumph, riding on a war-horse. 

As Jesus entered the city, the crowds gave Him a rapturous welcome, throwing palm fronds into His path. They knew His reputation as a healer, and welcomed Him. But sadly, the welcome was short-lived and shallow, for Jerusalem would soon reject her Messiah, and put Him to death. On this day churches worldwide will distribute little crosses made from palm fronds in memory of Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem.

You can do this at home, leading up to Easter!

Why not put a small cross in your front window as Lent draws to a close, and Easter Week approaches? You can use a Palm cross or a wooden one.  A cross is a visible reminder of the death of Jesus, and the Christian meaning of Easter and Resurrection. 

Only Jesus (John 19:17, 1:4)

Carrying the cross by Himself

He went out.

Sent out,

Yet choosing to go.

Word of life,

Choosing death,

Knowing the end from the beginning.

Carrying the cross by Himself

He went out.

The only one who could,

The only way He could,

He went out

To the Skull Place

For me. by Daphne Kitching

The Skull Place