Church News – November 2022
When I think about what You have created, the moon and all the stars You put in their places, what are people that You care so much for them? Psalm 8:3-4
From the Sanctuary

One of the lovely things about this time of year, is seeing the mists settled in the valleys, or hugging the river, early in the morning. They blanket the landscape at low level and temporarily transform the scenery into something very beautiful, until the sun burns it off. Of course, some days, the same mist becomes fog, which thickens and clouds our vision, so much so that it is difficult to see where we are going sometimes.
All I can see is the countless, distracting ‘floaters’ in my eyes when I am driving through the fog; but eventually the fog clears and we resume some normality of vision and direction. And so it is with life.
We may feel, at times, like we are plodding through fog, not knowing where we are going, or when we will get ‘there’. Some folks have even spoken of ‘brain fog’ in relation to their side-effects of having had Covid-19. There are some days when I know exactly what they mean, as I struggle to focus or to think straight – when I have a headache and so much is coming at me that I don’t know where to start with my tasks.
Now may be a time when you feel like your life is in a fog, not knowing how things will be in the future, how you will cope, and not sure of the direction of travel. It is at times like this when faith is crucial. Faith is knowing and trusting that these things are temporary – the fog will pass. Life will not always be like this, and the sun will eventually shine and burn off the mist; but whilst in the fog, faith is in knowing that we are held secure by One who loves us, and that we can trust in our capacity to cope.
All my hope on God is founded;
He doth still my trust renew.
Me through change and chance he guideth,
Only good and only true.
God unknown, he alone
Calls my heart to be his own.
God’s great goodness aye endureth,
Deep his wisdom, passing thought:
Splendour, light and life attend him,
Beauty springeth out of naught.
Evermore, from his store
New-born worlds rise and adore.
Still from earth to God eternal
Sacrifice of praise be done,
High above all praises praising
For the gift of Christ his Son.
Christ doth call one and all:
Ye who follow shall not fall
Wishing you every blessing

Please make a note that the Congregation Council Meeting postponed from 16th October, will now be held after the morning service on 6th November. This meeting is for every member of our congregation and you have a right to attend. We would be glad to see you.
The Christmas Fayre will be held in the Church on Saturday afternoon, 19th November at 2.30 p.m. Please try to come along to support one of our main fundraising events of the year.
Also, we are glad to advise that Besses’ Boys’ Band will be returning on Friday evening, 2nd December, following the break caused by Covid 19. Tickets at £7.50 are now available from our Treasurer, Susan Flint and are limited this year in an attempt to avoid overcrowding.
The Two Minutes’ Silence
In the month when we think about those who have given their lives in war, the Two Minutes Silence is a significant act of remembrance. The silence provides an opportunity to remember those who have suffered in war and how we can work for a peaceful world. However, we can also find ourselves thinking about lunch or whether we’ve switched off our phone?
Victor Frankl, a victim of Auschwitz, suggested that the most intolerable of all human conditions is not imprisonment or hunger, but lack of meaning. The two minutes of silence enables us to connect with Jesus’ message, which offers true meaning to our lives and world. He spoke of giving ourselves in love for each other and the world, ‘Love your enemies and pray for those that persecute you’ (Matthew 5:44). He also demonstrated such love in sacrificing His own life, ‘Greater love has no-one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends’ (John 15:13). When observing the silence, let’s use it to reflect on this sacrificial love, as we call to mind those who have laid down their lives.
In our busy lives, where so much clamours for our attention, silence gives us an opportunity to reflect on our priorities and rediscover true meaning in our lives. This is not just for Remembrance Sunday, as Jesus often withdrew to find silence to seek God (e.g.: Luke 5:16). Let’s use silence in our lives as space to seek God’s will and offer ourselves to Him, just as those who gave themselves in conflict through the years.
‘They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them.’

A prayer of remembering and looking forward
Loving Father, here we are in November, the month of short days and mist and remembering. And this year we have so much to remember. The year our Servant Queen left us and came to be with you, the King of Kings she had served so faithfully.
Remembering celebration and sadness Lord, as we thank you for Queen Elizabeth, but looking forward too as we prepare for Advent.
As we work towards Christmas, yes, we remember your coming as a baby in Jesus, but even more reassuring in these difficult times we can hold on to your promise that You will come back again as our glorious King, when there will be no more death or mourning, crying or pain – when You will make all things new, when all shall be well!
Come Lord Jesus! Amen. By Daphne Kitching