Church News – August 2020

We did hope that our first service in Church since March would be held on 2nd August at 11 a.m. Unfortunately, because of the new Government guidance, we are unable to greet you in person.
Until the end of the year, provided the current spike subsides, we will be holding Church services on the first and third Sunday of each month. We are sorry that we will be unable to hold Youth Services at present. The first Holy Communion will be on taken on Sunday, 6th September. An absolute maximum congregation of 42 will be allowed to comply with social distancing regulations, and we have written this following statement to aid your understanding of the way things need to be at present:
In the current circumstances, things will be a little different here to what they usually are. So, please bear with us. Having said ‘Welcome’, it is essential that you comply with the following in order to reduce risk to yourself and others:
If you are feeling unwell, please do not enter the building. We wish you a speedy recovery, and you will be welcome when you have recovered;
Please sanitise your hands as soon as you enter the building and maintain a distance of at least 2 meters from others who are outside of your household at all times;
Please use the garden, rather than the building, to chat with others;
Please wear a face mask during the time that you are in the building;
Please avoid shaking hands and hugging;
We are sorry that there is no coffee and tea available after the service.
Sr Jayne Clark

It causes pain to report that our sister Jayne Clark was called to Higher Service at the end of July. Jayne was the wife of Nigel and mum of Penny, Kerry and Sophie. She helped to run the Youth Club for many years, had been a member of the Church Committee for over 10 years and, with her mum Christine was one of the main workers of our Food Hamper Project. We all mourn her passing but know that she is with Her Lord.